Error Handling

We follow common HTTP status code conventions for error handling.

Status Code BlockDescription
2xxThe request was successful.
4xxA client error occurred.
5xxA server error occurred.


The following principles guide our thinking regarding request validation, error handling and are designed to help you effectively use our API.

Hierarchy of Failure

Because a request can contain multiple errors, we will handle the errors in order based on their location within the request as well as their severity. We will analyze the request in the following order:

  1. Headers
  2. URL Path
  3. Query parameters/POST body

This means that, if a request were to be sent without the required authentication header, as well as violate the expected syntax of a query parameter, you would receive a 401 status code and not a 400. You would receive a response detailing the invalid syntax only after you had fixed the more pressing authentication issue. This way you can work through the errors in the API as you would through code: one step at a time.

Strictness encourages clarity

You will encounter errors whenever an expected convention is not followed. Instead of trying to heal ambiguous or mostly correct requests, we will instead fail with a helpful error message to help you get back on track.

Here's an illustrative example. Imagine you're trying to filter a list of subscriptions by the user query parameter, but failed to supply a value:

GET /projects/{project}/subscriptions?user=

There are many possible approaches here: do we ignore the parameter altogether? Or do we apply the filter, but return unexpected or potentially zero results? We've chosen a different approach altogether: we raise an error. You clearly expressed your desire to filter, but something went wrong, leading to the value being empty. Being strict about what we will accept means there is less ambiguity about what went wrong.

More generally, an error will be raised whenever the request does not conform to the API specification. Examples are:

  • the parameter is unknown
  • the parameter value
    • has the wrong type (e.g. a string is expected, but a number is received)
    • doesn't match the expected format (e.g. a malformed e-mail address)
    • the value is not part of the documented enum.

Errors deserve explanation

Part of our strict approach requires that we communicate, in the most specific way possible, why something didn't work. In the upcoming sections, we'll detail how we handle different types of errors, but know that we will always provide the error type, a machine-readable code and a clear message describing the reason for the error, as well as relevant links to the documentation.

Error formats

For every failed request, we will include an error object in the response that contains:

  • type: The type of the error returned.
  • code: An optional machine-readable description of the error. Present for errors that could be handled programmatically.
  • message: A human-readable description of the error.
  • hint: An optional explanation how to resolve the error.
  • documentation: An optional list of URLs to additional documentation resources.


  "object": "error",
  "type": "invalid",
  "code": "invalidIccid",
  "message": "Invalid ICCID format.",
  "hint": "Parameter iccid must match /^([0-9]{19}F?|[0-9]{20})$/i",
  "documentation": [""]

Here are some common error types you might encounter:

Status CodeTypeDescription
400malformedThe request has incorrect syntax, such as an unparseable JSON body.
401unauthenticatedThe request doesn't have the required credentials.
403permissionDeniedThe authenticated user doesn't have permissions to perform the request.
404notFoundThe requested resource doesn't exist.
409conflictThe request conflicts with another request.
422invalidThe request has invalid properties.
429tooManyRequestsThe API user has made too many requests in violation of our API Terms of Service.
500internalAn unexpected error ocurred and the result of the request is unknown.
501notImplementedThe operation requested is not supported.

For our API users, 4xx status codes are by far the most interesting, as they indicate something did go wrong, but that you can likely fix it.